.. include:: ../README.rst Changes ======= 2022-08-01 (0.9.1) ------------------ - blue is incompatible with flake8 v5 (GH#78) due to changes in the way flake8 parses its config files. For now, pin the flake8 dependency <5.0.0 (GH#79). - Add support for testing against Python 3.10 and 3.11 in tox.ini, and fix an incompatibility with the rstcheck command line. - Bump copyright years. 2022-05-02 (0.9.0) ------------------ - Fix test suite failures due to a confluence of problems (GH#74) - Upgrade dependency on Black to 22.1.0 to support Python 3.10 (GH#67) - Add link to demo site at https://iblueit.dev (GH#69) 2022-02-22 (0.8.0) ------------------ - Fix compatibility with flake8 v4 (GH#58) 2021-08-16 (0.7.0) ------------------ - Bump dependency on Black to 21.7b0 - Prefer double quotes for non-docstring triple quoted strings (GH#10) - Add support for "py39" as target-version (GH#44) - Docstrings now always use triple-double-quoted strings (GH#5) 2021-02-11 (0.6.0) ------------------ - Preserve the whitespace before the hash mark for right hanging comments. (GH#20) - Support multiple config files: pyproject.toml, setup.cfg, tox.ini, and .blue (GH#30) - Fixed ``blue --version`` (GH#32) - Added tests! 2021-01-17 (0.5.2) ------------------ - Fix reference to blue.__title__ when building docs (GH#26) 2021-01-16 (0.5.1) ------------------ * Change --target-version help and default line length to 79 (GH#16) * Monkeypatch Black's cache dir to avoid poisoning (GH#19) * Monkeypatch pyproject.toml parsing to read "blue" section (GH#15) * Add integration and release GitHub actions. * Add LICENSE file with Apache 2 details. * Pin the dependency version of ``black`` to 20.8b1 (GH#17) * Monkeypatching of ``black`` now works for multiple files (GH#6) * Improved heuristics for identifying module docstrings (GH#3) * Use double quotes for function docstrings (GH#4)